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"Less than" hustle.

Last month, I officially celebrated two years of Side Hustle Gal acclaim. I also celebrated two years since I "came out of the closet" as a part time entrepreneur. Before that, I would hide it. My clients didn't know I had a full time job, my full time job didn't know I was side hustling. In fact, I don't even think my entrepreneur friends knew I had a full time job. In the moment that I breathed the words "I'm a Side Hustle Gal," I knew something had to change. I didn't deserve to feel ashamed (and neither did anyone else who was killing it as a SHG).

In that moment (and a few moments after that), the idea for the Side Hustle Gal community was born. I bought a domain and started to let the idea fester. In March of 2016, I started writing a book, in Summer 2016, I invited friends to join me on that ride, and last fall The Side Hustle Gal was published.

Since then, I've published a second bookstarted a podcast lifting up new and part time entrepreneurs, and started writing a third book. (I've even gone "full time entrepreneur!") Now, I'm excited to tell you that I have a top secret project brewing called #launchahustle, just for side hustlers like I used to be! I'm excited to share more information soon!


Yeah, I know. That's a lot of things to do in just two years. It doesn't really seem feasible, right? Going full time?

Trust me, I hear you. Did you know that you're not alone? Studies show that within entrepreneurial communities larger than 40,000 members, something like 60% of the community are part time entrepreneurs? That puts me in the minority and makes y'all the superstars! Don't let someone dull your shine because you're not a "full time entrepreneur." You have the balls to chase your dreams regardless of how crazy they might seem and for that, you deserve every single ounce of respect possible and more.

Side Hustle is not a synonym for "less than" hustle.