Episode 217 | Lynnea Gillingham of The Vibrancy Project.
Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Lynnea Gillingham of The Vibrancy Project.
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Episode 217 | Lynnea Gillingham of The Vibrancy Project.
We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 3 transcribed. The transcriptions are available here - you can access them by episode name or read/print the whole document to get all the information at once!
Staying true to yourself and learning to be authentic with what you do
Re-imaging your identity and how it affects your side hustle
Why you don’t have to “hustle” everyday + giving yourself some grace with your thoughts
Finding the balance between positive and negative and how you need them both
Connecting with your body to step into your power
Why you need to stay true to yourself
+ tapping into the power from others
Lynnea Gillingham is a certified Personal Trainer, accredited Fitness Model, a new Mummy, transformation coach, Licensed Holistic Practitioner, & creator of The Vibrancy Project (TVP): a high vibe, immersive wellness method for HER. Her mission is to give Women Holistic tools to embody their highest health vibration through Mind|body|energy Integration. TVP combines proven modalities in Fitness, Nutritional Medicine, NLP (neuro-Science), & the manifestation “Magic” of the Lunar cycle. Women are able to reclaim, honor, & flow with their “flow”; re-balance their body; & re-code their minds to serve highest health while reaching an abundance reality they have only ever dreamt was possible.
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