Episode 102 | Miscarriage & Trusting Your Gut with Josefina Sanders
Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Josefina Sanders, founder of Love Offering. Love Offering is the platform Josefina uses to Communicate Love, Create Art, Cultivate Community, and Celebrate your Journey!
- Who inspires Josefina in her business & personally
- Struggling with pricing to thrive in a community
- How inclusivity is something that she is passionate about
- How to give yourself grace as an Etsy shop owner
- Why you need to prepare when you decide to take your business full-time
- Creating a list of needs & wants for your business
- How having a miscarriage propelled her into going full-time
- Learning about yourself in your journey and allow changes
- Using pain as a purpose & leaving a legacy
josefina's BIO:
Love Offering is the platform Josefina uses to inspire people to create a culture of unity, self care, genuine, and slow living. As she continues to bloom in her artistic journey, she's known for her captivating minimal yet elegant fine art and, her incredible talent of communicating intentionality, mood, and emotion in all that she does.
Core Values: Community, Creativity, Integrity, and Generosity
Josefina aspires to live a life of intention, love people, and serve well through all that she does. She's has been featured in many publications such as, Southern Bride, Borrowed and Blue, The Imperfect Boss, Rising Tide Society and more.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Etsy Shop
Dannie’s Website | Dannie’s Instagram || Caitlyn's Website | Caitlyn's Instagram