Episode 203 | Matilda Sandstrom of Adventurist Backpack Co.


Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Matilda Sandstrom of Adventurist Backpack Co.

We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 3 transcribed. The transcriptions are available here - you can access them by episode name or read/print the whole document to get all the information at once!


  • One for One Model - backpacks provide meals for families

  • Success Magazine 30 under 30

  • Created backpacks for Google’s International Women’s Day

  • Being oblivious / unaware of how saturated your market is can sometimes be a good thing


Matilda Sandstrom is the co-founder of Adventurist Backpack Co., a company that designs minimalist backpacks for travel. For every backpack purchased, Adventurist provides 25 meals to families in need across the U.S. Since the company's recent launch, they have provided nearly 100,000 meals to families in need.

Matilda grew up in northern Sweden, and moved to the U.S. when she was 19. Matilda is married to co-founder Kelly Belknap and resides in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Denver. She is included in SUCCESS Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list for 2019, and has been featured in Forbes, Travel Channel, Woman’s Day, Bustle, ABC, Disney, and more. She is currently 24 years old.

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