Episode 213 | Holly L'Oiseau of Holly Oddly & The Hidden Hand Society

The Side Hustle Gal - Episode 213 | Holly L'Oiseau of Holly Oddly & The Hidden Hand Society

Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Holly L'Oiseau of Holly Oddly & The Hidden Hand Society

We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 3 transcribed. The transcriptions are available here - you can access them by episode name or read/print the whole document to get all the information at once!


  • How you can tie what you love into your business

  • Finding time to side hustle with a 9-5 and 65K+ followers.

  • How to use what feels relateable to you to connect with your customers

  • How her business has created a community for her

  • She shares about the difference of in-person relationships vs. online-relationships

  • What her advice is for using Instagram

  • How collaborations can influence your reach + Making those deeper connections can be beneficial



Holly L'Oiseau has a way with words. She uses her art to get things off her chest, which results in everything from cheeky greeting cards to down-right cursey enamel pins. Since she has Bipolar Disorder, she has a manic shop: Holly Oddly and a depressive shop: The Hidden Hand Society. It's her way of capturing both her wacked out side and her somber side. When she's not designing stationery and accessories, you can find her playing on the beach near her home in Savannah, GA, reading a graphic novel, or watching some ridiculous show or movie.

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