Episode 320 | Season Outtro!

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Today Dannie and Caitlyn are wrapping up Season 4 of the Side Hustle Gal podcast.

We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.


  • Recap the season.

  •  Predictions on the future.

FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

Episode Transcript - Season Outtro


Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. This is it. The final episode of the season. Wow. Uh, we had some, we had some incredible guests this season, and Caitlyn and I were talking before we jumped on the recording, and. It's been a good one. I think back to the interview with Amanda Gulino from A Better Monday and all of the advice that she had for us, uh, that conversation we had with Jackie at pineapple development girl is killing it.

Uh, the conversation we'd have with Carrie and with Bauma, Carrie works for core marketing group, um, uh, runs work bigger. Um, and even Rosalia is conversation on her company about consent. It's really run the gamut that season, all kinds of topics for your head and your heart, and I'm just so proud of it. I think the best part to you, we talked about this in our season intro, is that at least one of us only knew what three guests.

Four guests. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:01:26] Yep. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:01:27] And everyone else was strangers to both of us. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:01:30] Yeah. I think that was really cool because it showed a different type of, or a different side to having conversations with other business owners. I feel like a lot of podcasts, um, they bring on guests that are their friends or guests that other people have already interviewed.

So you already know kind of how the interview is going to go. But. Having conversations with new people can a be awkward. Um, and that just shows you kind of how well entrepreneurs can talk on their feet, um, and answer questions on their feet. But then. To have like real relationships with people just by being able to relate to them and how they run their business or what business life is like. I think that is something to be said for some of these interviews as well. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:02:21] Yeah. I think last season we were probably 50, 50 people we know and people we didn't know, and it was our best season to date at the time. And this season is what, like 70, 30, 80, 20, and I would say this season's even better than last season.

Um, so for the podcast hosts out here, like the lesson from this interview, people you don't know because the more. Strangers we have in our seasons, the better we feel about the seasons went. Um, so Caitlin and I were also talking to, and we want to do a little bit of crystal ball forecasting. This is totally and completely just for fun, but we're recording this episode in March. You're not going to hear it until the middle of July. And right now we're in the midst of Coronavirus. Oh 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:03:14] Covid19 2020. Oh my goodness. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:03:18] California is shelter in place. New York, I think is thinking about it, but they haven't done it yet. Everywhere else, gyms are closed. Fitness places are closed. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:03:29] Yeah. We just got the call yesterday that aho fitness. Uh, the gym that I'm, I'm the business manager for has to, had to shut down by 8:00 PM yesterday. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:03:40] Yeah. And the, I mean, that's where we're at right now. And we haven't even reached the crest of the curve that everyone keeps talking about. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:03:48] We haven't been testing people. So there's really, there's so many more people that are infected that we just don't know about because of the testing has been so limited.

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:03:58] And I just read yesterday too, that 20 to 30 have the highest, uh, in asymptomatic infection rate. A 20 to 30-year-olds have it more than we think they do, and they're the most likely group to be asymptomatic too, which is crazy. So, Caitlyn, I want to ask you, uh, April, may, June, July, four months from now, when folks are actually listening to this, where do you think will be, 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:04:24] uh, this is so scary to think about. Um. I think as I'm over here coughing, like, Oh my God, do I have the virus?

I am coughing and very sick. This is really funny. I think, uh, okay. Funny is not the right word. Just let me rephrase, not the right word there. I think in July. Um, it's going to get worse before it gets better, in my opinion. Um, I think there are still a lot of people, especially where I live, who I'm, Hmm. Don't think that this is a big deal. Um, they don't comprehend, uh, I don't think they want to comprehend. Um, the. The effect that this is going to have on everything from getting groceries, um, to our economy too. Work. How different the workplace is going to be moving forward from this childcare. Um, I think that this virus is going to change a lot of.

Things that we probably wouldn't even think about. Um, moving forward. So in July, I feel like  Mmm. Like I said, it's going to get worse before it gets better. I think it's gonna probably peak in the end of April, beginning of May. Um, but I think July is when we're gonna really start to see a lot of changes.

I think there's going to be a lot of, a lot more work from home jobs. Um, I think employers are going to switch a lot of employees to the more we more remote work, you're going to see a lot of policies enacted for what worked from home actually looks like for employers. Um, because like Dannie said yesterday on her Instagram stories, people don't know how to show up for work when they're working from home.

And I think a lot of policies are going to be enacted around that. I think, uh. A lot of businesses are going to shift their focus from brick and mortar to more online businesses, online business, so that if anything like this ever happens again, they have a that second source of income. Um, Oh, what else do I think?

I think that it's just going to be a big shift in our culture and I think. Uh, millennials in particular, and I don't even think they're millennials anymore. Do any, what are the kids that are like a little bit younger than us right now, but not millennials? 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:07:02] Gen Z. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:07:03] I think everybody's blaming the millennials right now. Look here. We're not the ones on spring break in Florida right now. Okay. It's not the millennials. We are out of college. That is gen Z get it right. Those kids, um, I think they're going to see a change in what school looks like and what college looks like. And, um, I think there's going to be a lot more protocol and a push for the CDC to have the pandemic office.

Again, I think that, um, uh, we're going to see a shift in policy around. What going to the hospital potentially looks like, or, um, and political, unrest. I think we're going to see that. So I'm excited to see kind of what happens from this virus right now. It's a little bit scary. Um. As somebody who lives down by the border, it's going to be super interesting to see kind of what happens over the next few weeks as we continue to shut down borders.

Um, change what flying looks like, and, um, what protocols are federal entities around here put into place because there's really nothing right now. Dannie, I feel like I've been talking forever and I've just been, um, what are you, what are you thinking? 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:08:29] I agree with a lot of what you said. I think I would add three things.

Um, so to the flying piece, I think back to post 911 flying and how we went from kind of secure to like, everybody has to be screened. Um, I, I think that's might actually be like. Wellness screening now as a part of boarding planes, just because people will be afraid that another silent virus could escape from its originating site.

Um, so I wouldn't be surprised if in the next few years we see that enacted, 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:09:03] no flying if you have a temperature. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:09:07] Um, another thing that I see impacting is, Mmm. Just this. Like more empathy. Um, so I've been following the immunocompromised friends of mine for years on Instagram, but just watching the conversations around.

like everyone's panicking. But immunocompromised people have been begging for the ability to self-quarantine for years. Uh, the ability to work from home for years, the ability to get some of these accommodations that we're now giving all knowledge workers for a year. And also I've been following my friends who work at places like Costco. And for lack of a better word, um, like my friend Nikki who works at Costco is now a like, vital service provider, right? Because like, groceries are flying off the shelves faster than they can get them restocked. She's mitigating fights. She's like checking out double the amount of people at an hour that she used to.

And I think that grocery workers, postal workers, um. Like internet and telephone infrastructure workers are finally going to get a little bit more recognition because they're the people that can't self quarantine right now. Um, and finally, like to your point on work from home, I've been watching as people who I have worked from home on the occasional Friday.

Struggle with this permanent work from home, and I think that freelancers, remote workers, et cetera, have an incredible opportunity to like be thought leaders here. Kind of like I was talking about an Instagram last night. I didn't realize how much of a divide there was between me and my coworkers because I've been managing and working with teams remotely for 12 years and. Nothing has changed in my personal life, except for I don't have to commute over the past couple of weeks. Um, and it's completely turned. My coworkers lives upside down. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:11:16] Well. And to that point, I think that there's going to be more empathy for the people who run businesses from home. Like before, all of my friends are like, Oh, it must be so nice to be able to work from home and do whatever you want, and now they're really getting to see, wow, work from home is not as easy as we thought.

And I think that's going to give an empathy piece too. Small business owners or I don't even know, online business or business. It's necessary businesses, um, that hasn't been there before. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:11:53] Yeah, I completely agree. I think this has been a fun little time capsule. I'll be curious to see when this episode goes live in four months, what the world looks like.

How many of our little predictions were accurate and we'll just have to see what happens. 

Caitlyn Allen: [00:12:14] Yes. And to all my other immunocompromised folks out there, stay safe. I hope you guys stay safe through this whole thing and um, we will see you guys in July. 

Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:12:26] Alright, bye. And we'll see you sometime soon. For sure.

Whatever season the next season number is.