Episode 301 | Season 4 Opener with Dannie and Caitlyn

Season 4 Opener

Today Dannie and Caitlyn are opening the season by catching you up on what’s been going on during the break and what you can expect in Season 4.

We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.


  • A deeper look into what season 4 will look like.

  • An inside look at what Dannie and Caitlyn have been up to between season 3 and season 4.

FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

Episode Transcript

Dannie Lynn Fountain: Hello. Welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. Can you believe we are at the start of season four? Holy shit.

Caitlyn Allen: Season four. Wow. That's so crazy to think.

Dannie Lynn Fountain: I know. I didn't even think we would get to a season four when this podcast first started, and now like, yes, we're here.

Caitlyn Allen: We is here.

Dannie Lynn Fountain: Not only is it season four it's 2020 like new year, new decade, roaring 20s all the exciting things on that friend.

Caitlyn Allen: Yeah. I think 2020 that's a big deal, right? Like all the new things. I think that's really exciting.

Dannie Lynn Fountain: So by now, hopefully you are a quarter into this year, things are under foot. You're clear on the goals that you want to be achieving. Hopefully you've checked in on those goals once already. You're making progress. But before we dive into what season four is gonna look like, we just wanted to catch you up on what we've been up to since season three ended.

Caitlyn Allen: Yeah. So I have been super busy behind the scenes with my business.  I'm not sure how much you guys know, but I was doing a lot of VA work and I am now transitioned into the integrator or the COO role in most of the companies/businesses,  that I work for. So that's been super exciting to work through some coaching courses, but also, learning more about myself and the teams that I'm a part of. So that's what I've been up to. Dannie, what about you?

Dannie Lynn Fountain: Oh my gosh. Well, I'm still at Google. We are rapidly approaching three years at Google, which feels insane to say. By the time I passed one year at Google, it was the longest corporate job I'd ever had and now it's for sure probably the longest job I will ever have a parallel to that.  By now you will have seen in my business rebrand, go live. So been in business since 2008 in the 12th year. We were like, you know what? It's time to rebrand. I was getting a little bit bored of marketing, so the business shifted as well. So hopefully you've seen that. Lots of speaking, the usual thing. Oh and I paid off a shit ton of debt. Season three, I closed out 2019 having paid off $101,000 worth of debt. You can read that story on theeverygirl.com they did a big story on that, which was really cool. So that's what's going on with me.

Caitlyn Allen: Man. I feel like 2019 was a crazy whirlwind here of like, I don't know, it felt like a lot of closure closing out to open up the 20s. Wow. That sounds weird to bring a lot of growth and I think abundance. I think that , this past year there was a lot of talk about mindset and growth, in our atmosphere, in the creative industry, but also in the entrepreneurial industry.

And I am super excited to see the mindset and that type of aspect be brought into the growth aspect because you can only hustle for so long. And so bringing in somebody like me into your business than integrator or bringing on help in your business,  or bringing in contractors, but also making sure that you're taking time as the CEO of your business to really take a step back.

So that's one of our episodes.  we will be talking about the hustle culture and more about how that can impact us and why taking breaks is necessary as an entrepreneur. Dannie, what else are we talking about?

Dannie Lynn Fountain: So that'll be a jam session. We have another jam session on investing in your biz. The five big things that have changed our businesses. Caitlin, you've been in business almost five years - three officially, but like closer to five, if you count the like pre-forming an LLC stuff and I'm going on 12 years, so you'll hear from like a mid and an established business on the things that we love to invest again. Maybe we'll even drop in some of the things that we regretted.

Caitlyn Allen: Oh, spilling the tea!

Dannie Lynn Fountain: just like last season, I have to say, I think season three was our best season so far, and the reason for that was we got out of the creative bubble. You weren't hearing from the same people that are on every podcast on every stage in every blog post. And this season is a lot of that as well. I think between Caitlyn and I, we only have personal relationships with three of the gas this season. All of the other guests, neither of us know at all, and frankly speaking, neither of us had heard of before the season. And so I'm really excited. Two. Hear new voices, talk about new topics. Get a little fresh around here

Caitlyn Allen: Super excited for the awkward pauses here haha.

Dannie Lynn Fountain:  and just have a really good set of conversations. Like last season we talked about periods and woo and mindfulness and topics that don't get brought up a lot and I think this season's going to be a lot of the same.

Caitlyn Allen: Yes. The people that we have are so diverse. I mean, we're gonna go from a mindset coach to another type of business coach to a CPA. Like it's insane the diversity that we're bringing to the season. And—

Dannie Lynn Fountain: then also like, I'm going to interrupt you also, cultural diversity too. I think over half of our guests this season are Latina. like we have some strong actual diversity coming in as well. LGBT folks, Dondrea who's going to be incredible. So I think that there's just going to be a strong, like actual, like physical and mental diversity too.

Caitlyn Allen: Too. Yes. Diversity is actually like one of my big words, one of my core values in life and in business is diversity as a white woman. That's funny to say, but I'm so excited to talk to so many different people and just share some stories about diversity from our perspectives too. Cause Dannie's Latina and I am white, but I live in an area that is not predominantly white. So having those discussions will be a lot of fun too.

Dannie Lynn Fountain:   I think with that, we will wrap up here, but I think we both want to say more than anything, we are so excited for what we're delivering to you in this season. So please, if you haven't already, subscribe to the podcast, make sure you're getting those episode downloads. Follow along with both of us on social, which is where we'll be sharing the episode updates, who's in the podcast, who's having conversations with us, and just generally carrying on the conversations that we are having here on the pod. So with that, I'm going to say goodbye and we'll see you next week.

Caitlyn Allen: Bye guys. See you next week.